First off is Hoodie Allen ft. Kina Grannis with Hoodie's new song, "Make It Home". Hoodie, always love. Kina Grannis I had never heard of but her voice is good enough, could be better. BUT! The reason I'm posting the video is because I really just like the song. It's a bit slower for Hoodie and having a girl in there singing really helped it stay soft and plus, it's acoustic. Just check it out!
Second video is for Selena Gomez's new song, "Come & Get It" which I am actually a huge fan of. It's got a cool, ethnic beat and is just really groovy and I love whenever it comes on in my car. She looks fantastic in this video and that is why I wanted to show you it. It's really aethetically pleasing to watch and is just a nice video for a cool song!
OMGOSH I saw that Hoodie did a collab song with Kina and I just about died! Kina Grannis is such an amazing singer/songwriter. She's great on acoustics but can sing her heart out on piano and guitar too. If you like Colbie Callait and Kelly Clarkson. You'll like Kina.