Wednesday, February 24, 2016


Hey. What's up. Let's listen to a story, shall we?

I initially fell in love with Quay's collaboration with YouTube darling Amanda Steele (or makeupbymandy24) when they first released. Not realizing how popular they would be, I didn't anticipate a quick sell-out and lost out on them. I figured I lost them for good but decided to sign up for Quay's newsletter... just in case.

Fast forward some sort of amount of time and I got an email one morning saying that the MUSE shades were BACK IN STOCK! I quickly jumped on my computer to check them out but this time talked myself out of the $60 purchase because of the $10 shipping. How does shipping have that power over us? I know I'm not the only one who has had that happen to them.

They sell out again. Now fast forward to this week and I was online shopping on Nasty Gal and MUSE WERE ON THEIR SITE!!!! Turns out Muse is on everyone's site. Including Quay's. They aren't so limited edition anymore..... classic. Anyway, finally decided to buy them because Nasty Gal offered free shipping so I didn't have an excuse.

Now, I like 'em. But I have this weird feeling that I'm not "cool Instagram girl" enough for them, ya know? They seem just a tad bit too large for my face. I'm working on figuring out if I like them or not and have truly never been SO 50/50 torn on something in my life.

Do you guys like them???? Lemme know in the comments or on Instagram! @beautymunson

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