Friday, May 10, 2013


Finding this shadow has been the bane of my existence, I'm telling you. Maybelline released six new Color Tattoos for Summer 2013 recently and I have been on the hunt for what feels like weeks upon weeks. After initially seeing Amarixe's post and swatches of the products, I had whittled my lust list down to just one of the shades: Seashore Frosts. I began my research and it seemed that they were popping up specifically at Bed Bath and Beyonds. We have three in my area.. I checked them all with no luck. Then, my friend Brittany told me she had found them at her Rite-Aid but unfortunately, I didn't have one near me! Luckily at my new house there is one less than two miles away and they had everything my little heart desired!

Now that my story is out of the way, let's get down to the most important aspect: photos

The off-centered sticker bothers me, too. I got the last one so I couldn't exactly be choosy.

Isn't this color the coolest?! It's a sort of cornflower, cadet, light navy blue with golden shimmer all throughout. I want to use the word duochrome but I honestly know better than that. It's just a super shimmery shade with conflicting colors within and it looks INSANE on. INSANEly great! As with all of the Color Tattoo range, it's long-lasting and won't crease. However, I have never once worn these without a primer. I'm going simply off word of mouth on that last part. This Tattoo allows blue to be wearable and different all in one. Truly a winner, folks.

Have you tried any of the five other shades in the new line?
Should I reconsider buying some of those, too?

1 comment:

  1. omg i cant even explain to you how much the off center stickers bother me! i usually dont notice them until i get home because i see the color and i'm like must. buy. them. all. then i get home and i'm like... really... i would pick the one with the off center sticker!


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