Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Happy Summer, followers!! Is it too late to wish you that? I hope not. It's fitting because today I am sharing with you my favorite nail polish for this Summer. I know the whole 'coral' thing may be old by now but when I find a TRUE coral, I get very happy. I'm not talking a lipstick that says it'll be coral and comes out red.. or hot pink. or a coral top that is bright orange in the sunlight. I'm talking a true, perfectly balanced coral. Like this nail polish!

I know you all know by now my love and devotion to OPI.. it takes a lot for me to stray from them even if it's just for one mani. Tart Deco is definitely a color I'm willing to jump ship for! It's a true, coral creme. I used three coats for the manicure in the photos but can be opaque with just two. For reference, I was wearing OPI's Nail Envy underneath the color on my pointer and middle fingernails. I love that this shade can also easily be used on your toes! Talk about versatile! :)

Anybody else own this color? I'd love to hear your opinions on it!

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