Monday, November 19, 2018


I am so excited to finally share my new blog name and design with you all!

In just a handful of weeks, my blog turns six years old. I began this blogging journey while on an off-semester in college shortly after deciding to transfer to an in-state school from my out-of-state family school. Throughout the life of this blog I have proceeded through and finished college, joined the professional world and got my own place with my significant other. Beautymunson was my place to pop on and interact with others who share a love for all things beauty. It became such a part of my identity that it is actually a nickname many of my friends now call me in real life.


I love sharing things with all of you so much and those things are no longer limited to just beauty. That paired with the fact that I will eventually be dropping Munson as my surname led me to the decision to rename and rebrand this online home of mine.

Bailey Bee is a beauty, home and lifestyle blog.

Nothing changes but a name and a color scheme so please stick around! I have my own domain now (check it out!), a new email ( and a whole slew of ideas for this page. My main goal for this blog has not and probably will never change-- it is still to create a personal community within the larger beauty, home, lifestyle and overall blogging communities.

Thank you for all of the support over the past six years and here's to six more successful ones!

Love, Bailey


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